
Free Shared Hosting for any active LowEndTalk and LowEndSpirit members!

Simple easy to use DirectAdmin hosting on powerful hardware, hosted worldwide for the best connectivity in your local region.

Free for LES and LET members, just fill in the contact form below and include your LES or LET username.

This is an invite-only service (for the time being) and you will be required to verify your LES or LET identity through private message after applying below.

Singapore Shared

2GB Storage

1 vCPU (Shared)

200GB Bandwidth

2 Domains

DirectAdmin Control Panel

Singapore Datacentre


Australia Shared

3GB Storage

1 vCPU (Shared)

75GB Bandwidth

2 Domains

DirectAdmin Control Panel

Sydney Datacentre



Europe Shared

2.5GB Storage

1 vCPU (Shared)

500GB Bandwidth

2 Domains

DirectAdmin Control Panel

Luxembourg Datacentre


USA Shared

4GB Storage

1 vCPU (Shared)

500GB Bandwidth

2 Domains

DirectAdmin Control Panel

Salt Lake City Datacentre


The Network

Experience lightning-fast response times of under 100ms across the APAC region in our Singapore location.

# See it for yourself

We understand our basic plans may not cover every use case so if you're in need of certain specifications for a project please don't hesitate to reach out, make sure to include your LES or LET username!